Welcome to The Meadows Instow
Our Mission
Our mission is to be a sustainable service that works pro-actively with local commissioners to reflect the latest strategic intentions. The business is dynamic and forward thinking enabling the development of a high quality, person-centred setting that recognises and builds on individuality, whilst working closely with local teams to deliver care for the person.
To achieve this, The Meadows is dedicated to helping people to improve their health and wellbeing, and recognises the individuals’ right to lead as independent and socially inclusive a life as is possible for them.
We understand that for people to achieve their optimum quality of life, person-centred care programmes are needed; these are
- Led by the service user themselves
- Designed in partnership with key stakeholders
- Delivered in a positive risk culture of ‘doing with’ not ‘doing for’
Our approach reflects core values of individual choice, dignity, honesty, integrity, transparency, and respect; all of which are led by Management and intrinsic to both the people who use our services and our staff teams.
About BILD
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) at BILD
Our Aim
Our primary aim is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them, by recognising that behaviour patterns are an outcome and do not define the person who is exhibiting them; We look for reasons for the presentation of a behaviour rather than attempting to force change without addressing and changing or managing the cause.
We do this by improving training and practice, to promote a positive culture that will:
- protect people’s fundamental human rights and improve their quality of life
- reduce reliance on restrictive practices focusing on prevention, de-escalation and reflective practice
- increase understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs.
Our Involvement with BILD and RRN
At The Meadows we have taken the decision to use BILD for our PBS workforce development, accreditation and training, and to assist us in embracing PBS as a person-centred approach to support people who display, or are at risk of displaying, behaviours of concern.
All employees have completed either the Foundation or Level 1b Practitioners training, and we are now working with BILD RRN trainers to ensure a joined-up approach to any intervention training that we require. This complements our overall PBS approach and minimises our requirements for its use.